Alfred Tennyson Vaughn was my paternal grandfather. He was so talented. Not only was he a terrific hunter, provider for the family, 23 year career Army Soldier, Godly man, full of wonderful wisdom, but also a poet, a writer, a HAM radio operator and could fix anything. We have books, folders and filing shelves FULL of his writings and poetry.
6 months after his death from cancer, July 25, 1999, I stirred back up my genealogy search and was "back at it" again. During the time before his death, he had written a series of 6 stories. These stories were of he & his family growing up in Entiat, WA (outside of Wenatchee). They were of how they were pioneers for the state of Washington and how his father helped to make Washington into statehood. He was an AMAZING writer, but here's the deal. NO ONE knew of these stories until I told them about them. No one knew that Grandpa had done this until I googled his name. What an incredibly AMAZING gift. All this to say, I beg of you, PLEASE interview your family members. Get those stories. Preserve those stories for the future and the future generations. When your family members are gone, the stories go along with them! I am posting these stories weekly. You can read part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4 so far. I will post the latter two in the next couple of weeks.
In 1913 the town's name changed from Dutch Hollow, Wisconsin to Tennyson, after the English poet, Lord Alfred Tennyson. I know this because my 3rd great grandparent are buried there. This must be your Alfred.
Actually Kathryn that's wrong. My grandfather's name was from the Poet, Alfred Lord Tennyson. He was born in WA (his father signed it into statehood), lived in AK about 10 years but always stayed in WA. He was a small poet.......mainly friends and family new about it. He wasn't published. Thanks for stopping by though!
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