Generation No. 1
1. JOHN2 STANLEY (ISAAC1) was born April 19, 1790, and died July 18, 1880. He married (1) ELIZABETH FORREST. She died Unknown. He married (2) JULIA FORREST GRIMES. She died Unknown.

It is not presently known for sure the number of or the names of the wives of John Stanley. He may have married sisters of his wives as they passed away. For the present tree, I am distributing the lion's share of the known children to Julia. He had a kit and caboodle of kids. As clarity may develop in the documentation of his wives/children this tree shall be updated.
John Stanley served in the War of 1812. He also set up his homestead at the "Old Brick" in Snowville, Ohio about eight miles from Albany. John lived in a huge hollowed out tree trunk for about two years, while he baked his own brick for a permanent house. He laid up the brick into an elegant five over three, two story brick farmhouse where he raised his many children. A tornado blew off the upper floor in 1951, but the roof was rebuilt and the house stands today as a single floor ranch home. Paul Stanley, son of Edgar, lives in it as of this year 1998 with his wife Mary.
Up on the hill of the "old brick" homestead, and a wonderful hill at that, a little to the east still stands the family Cemetery. Several people, other than the family, are buried up there. About all the grave stones had fallen over until Paul Stanley straighten them. The Hon Stanley Sr. Place was on of the very first settlements and is very much of a landmark.
Felix A. Stanley being the youngest son got the home place where the house stood. He went heavily in debt for it and never got it all paid for. Felix was sick and not able to work for about four years before he died. While he was able to work he set out a large orchard -- apples, peaches, cherries, plums, and pears. Also there were blackberries, raspberries, strawberries and grape vines. As a young boy I, Larry Robinson, still remember with misty and mystical joyful thoughts of the utter serenity and stillness atop the scenic hill. There I walked among grazing sheep interspersed throughout the orchard. It was wonderful, especially for a city boy from Columbus visiting his Aunt Gladys. Aunt Gladys would cook my family a huge Sunday dinner when we went down -- freshly killed chickens from the barnyard, home churned butter on homemade rolls, homemade mashed potatoes from the garden, and all the trimmings.
Much of the following history was recorded by Roma Stanley before she died.
Felix had one son and three daughters. Edgar had to quit school to work the farm and try to pay off the debts. He kept his three sisters in school. He never got it all paid for. After the girls were married Edgar bought out their shares of the estate, going still farther in debt. He died before he got clear out of debt,. Leaving his wife and children. Gladys, Edgar's wife, stayed on the farm with the children. She wanted their son Paul E. Stanley to have the farm. Paul was not very interested for a while, but after he was married, he decided to buy his sisters share of the place. Paul worked very hard over the years, and today the farm is in tip-top condition. For years the place was overgrown and run down. It took a lot of hard work by Paul and his family.
While Felix A. Stanley was still living, he took the old frame part off the back of the brick house. He put in its place, a Kitchen and dining room and two bedrooms up over the kitchen and dining room,which were made of frame. Edgar E. Stanley added a screened in back porch, dug out a spring on the hillside above the house, put in some tile, and piped water to the house into the kitchen sink. The water was good, but very warm in the summer as there was no shade trees or other shelter over the springs. My daddy Stanley Robinson and his brother Harold would often walk eight miles across country from Carpenter, Ohio to visit their Uncle Edgar and help him work. Edgar worked hard. He kept up his fences and buildings the best he could. Both girls were marred and at that time Paul was young.
About the middle of July in 1956 (some say the 14th, some say the 17), a terrible cyclone swept through Snowville. The worst that was ever known came down Irvin Cree, It blew roofs off several buildings. It also blew over a lot of trees and telephone lines. The Old Stanley Homestead was hit the hardest of any place around Snowville. The two storms seemed to meet there. One came down Irvin Creek and the other cam down Flint Fork. A great deal of the roof and the walls all the way down to the first floor were blown off the brick house. The house seemed to have been twisted as almost all the plaster fell off. A sheet of tin roofing blew through a power line pole that set in the yard cutting the pole in two. It blew a roof of a large grainery. Some of the roof looked like it had been rolled up and dropped down at side of the grainery. Most of the upper side of the barn roof was blown off and scattered all over the hillside, clear down to Flint Fork Bridge. A large sycamore tree down across the road looked like the limbs had been twisted off and lay all around the tree pointing in most directions. As the storm went on it blew the roof off the Mrs. Harry Douglas (Ella) home and damaged a lot of other places in the Darwin vicinity.
Paul E. Stanley now owns the John Stanley Sr. Farm. He has remodeled the house. He took the rest of the top off the house and made it into a modern ranch type home. Paul added on a few rooms and a bathroom and drained the basement and cemented it. He also put in a gas furnace. By adding on another room or two to the large brick room down creek, Paul made a nice little apartment for his mother who lived with Paul until she died. Gladys was a dear sweet lady.
The William D. Stanley homestead suffered a lot of damage due to roofs, which blew off and windows which were broken and other damages. Roma Stanley said she was spending the night at the home of her niece and family Rev. Headly and May Mason and sons Paul and Russell. The tow Mason boys had gone to a ten meeting at Athens, Ohio and were coming home when the storm struck. She had gone up stairs to bed, when the wind really started to blow. Paul and Russell had stopped their car down the road. Paul Mason came on up in the rain. Just behind him a big Maple tree blew over right behind him blocking the gate to the house. When Russell came a little later he had to climb over the yard fence to get in as the trees had blocked the gate.
Roma had gone to her nieces the day before to pick some blackberries. The next morning she said that May and she went up on the hill back of their house to see how much damage the storm had done. When she arrived there, she saw that several large trees had been blown out by the roots, along with many smaller ones. While up there, she said she showed May a cemetery that she did not know existed. The tombs stones were all gone and just a few hewed sandstone markers remained. This cemetery had been forgotten for years. There was no fence around it. It was out in a pasture field up on top of the hill above May Masons House. Roma said that when she was a little girl, He had been up there with the Hon Green girls. At that time the Greens owned the farm and built the two-story house. The cemetery was fairly large and used to have a lot of tombstone. Roma did not remember any of the names or the name of the cemetery. She said Mr. Green used to have a large apple orchard close to the cemetery. She estimated there was about a hundred or more graves there. A great many years ago there was a public road up the hill near the cemetery. Out farther there was a schoolhouse.
i. ISAAC3 STANLEY, JR., d. Unknown; m. JANE HEWITT; d. Unknown.
ii. JOHN "ANDREW"JACKSON STANLEY, b. 1832; d. 1899; m. SARAH GOODEN, April 24, 1858; d. Unknown.
John Jackson Stanley, or Jackson as he was called, had two or three horses drown while trying to cross Irvin Creek at the Ford during flood water. Jackson drank each Saturday night in town. One Saturday night he was riding back in the back of his wagon,which was driven by his son, when he fell out his buggy and broke his neck. His wife Sarah, several years later, went blind.
Jackson was a Waggoneer in the Civil War and was mustered out at Ft. Hayes, Columbus, Ohio after losing a leg in the war. Jackson's son John obtained land near Snowville where he built a house and set to framing with his wife, Mary Bolin Stanley.
iii. GORDON STANLEY, d. Unknown.
When Gordon was a small boy he fell of top of a fence post and broke his neck. They always said he was a very pretty child.
iv. MAZIE STANLEY, d. Unknown; m. (1) DANIEL BRICKLES; d. Unknown; m. (2) KENNARD MCDONALD; d. Unknown; m. (3) JOSEPH ABBOTT; d. Unknown.
There may have been more children by Mazie, but the source Roma Stanley, could not recall. Roma said that after Mazie got sick with cancer, Brickles was so mean to her that she left him and went to her half-brother William where she died and William buried her on his lot at Bulingham, Ohio. Cemetery in Meigs County.
Burial: Unknown, Burlingham Ohio Cemetery, Meigs Co, OH
Cause of Death: cancer
v. SALLY STANLEY, d. Unknown; m. FLOYD DAVIS; d. Unknown.
Roma Stanley said in a paper she wrote that Sally and Floyd Davis had other children however she did not know how many or there names. She said most of them located in the West somewhere.
vi. CATHERINE STANLEY, b. 1833; d. September 29, 1891; m. JACKSON GILKEY; d. Unknown.
Children of JOHN STANLEY and JULIA GRIMES are:
vii. REBECCA P.3 STANLEY, b. April 25, 1839; d. Unknown; m. JOHIEL ALKIRE; d. Unknown.
Johiel and his wife Ruth were Superintendent and Matron of Meigs Country Childrens Home for several years.
viii. MARY A. STANLEY, b. September 24, 1840; d. Unknown.
ix. ARCHELAUS ARCHER STANLEY, b. March 12, 1842; d. Unknown; m. ANELIZA BROOKS; d. Unknown.
Archelaus Archer Stanley was a doctor. He and Aneliza Brooks lived in Rutland, Ohio. They never had any children but adopted George Prall when he was four years old. They also raised a girl Arizonia Pullins. The did not like her name, so they had it changed to Roma Stanley. Roma married Royal Grimes.
George Prall was just like a son to them, and took good care of Aneliza after Dr. Stanley was gone. They gave George nearly all their property, which was considerable. Archelaus had a white selling on one leg when he was a boy and always walked on crutches. He studied Medicine and was a good doctor with a large practice.
Aneliza was the sister of Colonel Brooks of Harrisonville, OH.
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